the music playing, Right Now!: Waterloo Sunset, by The Kinks
about me: Sorority Girls, by Mommy Long Legs
index: Blood Bitch, by the Cocteau Twins
months: She Is (Wild and Exciting), by Earth and Fire
may: Bring, by The Spits
june entries: A History Of Bad Men, by Melvins
june 06: Oblivion, by Grimes
june 08: Third Uncle, by Brian Eno (Bauhaus didn't do it first!)
june 19: Atlantis, by Donovan
june 28: The Hanging Garden, by The Cure
july entries: Ghost Town, by Specials.
august entries: Wuthering Heights, by Kate Bush
september entries: Jump In The Line, by Harry Belafonte
october entries: Blasphemous Rumors, by Depeche Mode
november entries: Who Was In My Room Last Night? by the Butthole Surfers
december entries: I'd Like To Walk Around In Your Mind, by Vashti Bunyan